You need skill 6 to be able to open them. A perk or two could go a long way for a successful pick.Â
Hard locks require skill 5 and decent command of the mechanic itself. This is where the difficulty really starts to ramp up. However, they do require a bit more user precision than their very easy counterparts. Surprisingly there is no specific skill level required for easy locks as well. As long as you understand the basic lock picking mechanic you should be able to open these fairly easily. These locks have no prerequisite level for skill. How easy a lock is to open is determined by which one of the four potential categories it falls into: When you rotate the lock all the way around you will have opened the lock. As you rotate the lock be sure to keep your pick in the sweet spot as its position shifts during the rotation. The closer the sweet spot is to the beginning the easier the lock will be to pick. Step 2: Rotate the lockÂĪfter your pick is all lined up you can rotate the locking mechanism counterclockwise.
To find the weak spot move your cursor to the place where the silver ball turns gold.